I used to be just like you. That is, until I took the leap of faith my heart was desiring.

I love my kids and am thankful for the life I was living—but something was missing. I felt like no one really understood me, or what it's like to lose yourself as a mom. I felt alone. I needed a way to make money that could support my family, but that would also be flexible with my schedule and something that would actually be fun and fulfilling. I thought it was going to be impossible to make a living from home. I didn't know where to start, what my options were, or how to make it happen in the midst of all the chaos of motherhood. And then when I did find something that piqued my interest, I was so afraid of failing that I couldn't bring myself to take the leap. But it didn't stay that way forever.

When Bare Beauty came along, things changed for me—and fast. At first, when I was introduced to the products, I was just excited by how great they made me look and feel (and smell). But then people started taking notice of how good my hair looked—and asking how they could get their hands on some of those products!

I feel like I'm living my best life now. A few years later and I'm making the money to support my family comfortably (and not just financially). My business has brought me a community of amazing women who are doing incredible things for themselves and their families, and I've found a sense of purpose within myself that's hard to put into words.

I help women build a business that inspires, serves, + thrives.


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Aliquam nec risus quis ante bibendum ornare et nec dolor. Nunc placerat varius lacinia. Cras eu interdum magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sed augue ut massa scelerisque viverra ut ut nisl. Ut aliquet nulla vel lacus porttitor, ut fringilla erat tincidunt. Nulla semper lorem non libero ultricies, vitae condimentum turpis placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent a nisl risus.










Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore celiac sriracha before they sold out williamsburg. Fashion axe scenester.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore celiac sriracha before they sold out williamsburg. Fashion axe scenester.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore celiac sriracha before they sold out williamsburg. Fashion axe scenester.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore.

Health goth kale chips waistcoat, master cleanse tacos mixtape YOLO vinyl scenester sartorial normcore celiac sriracha before they sold out williamsburg. Fashion axe scenester.

Shallow convos,
staying inside,
being too busy
for people

not a fan of

Quiet mornings,
black coffee,
girls trips, 
helping women be who they were
made to be.

a few of my favorite things


clean beauty

home tips


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